Experts Since 1996

We providing ship, cargo, oil, engineering & UAV survey and Consultancy Services for Sea & Land Projects Worldwide.

The 1st company that use:

 - Lidar to conduct marine survey 

- UAV to conduct cargo and ship survey

We integrate drone data with skillful surveyors, top-notch industry software to produce premium content. For more information

UAV Survey

Conduct bunker survey as to check the quality and quality of fuel and lubricating oils. For more informaion

Our Services

Provide volume calculation services wih centimeter or even milimeter level accuracy. For more information

Convert 3D surfaces and objects into highly accurate mathematical models. For more information

We provide expert technical assistance on hull and machinery surveys. For more information

Check cargo condition/damage, calculate cargo quantity and/or shortage. For more information

Copyright @ 2022 AWS Marine Services Ltd.

Tel: +852 3901 2665​​​

Fax: +852 2120 3615

Add:Suite A2-06, 9/F, Chuan Yuan FTY BLDG, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong


Our Services: